Meetings: are held the second Wednesday
of each month at 8:00pm.
Formal Attire is required
(Tuxedos are optional)
Cheese's Legs
King Crab Legs, $12.00 per dozen.
Every Monday at 6pm |
Corinthian Square Club |
(609) 921-9789 |
Open for dinner every evening
at 6:00pm |
Aaron Lodge's
Meeting Dates
January 12 |
February 9 |
March 8 |
April 12 |
May 10 |
June 14 |
July 12 |
August - Refreshment |
September 13 |
October 11 |
November 8 |
December 13 |
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Aaron Lodge #9 F&AM, MWPHA
Under the Jurisdiction of
Most Worshipful Prince Hall
Grand Lodge, State of New Jersey
Most Worshipful Grand Master Rev. Wayne L. Johnson
Aaron Lodge #9
John & Maclean Sts.
Princeton, NJ 08540
609-921-9789 |
Worshipful Master Wallace C. Holland,
Aaron Lodge #9 E-Trestle Board
Monthly Meeting
2nd Wednesday of the month at 8:00pm
Black & White
Formal Attire Required
(Tuxedo Optional) |
9th Annual Master's
Charity Dance
Honoring Wallace C. Holland, III
Saturday, May 13, 2000
Aaron Lodge #9's Newest
July 24, 1999
Brother Michael
Brother James Taliaferro
Brother Michael Smith
Master Mason Proficiency
Wednesday 3-29-00
8:00 pm |
Past Masters Breakfast
March 12, 2000
8 am at Aaron Lodge #9
BROTHERS ONLY - $5.00 per |
Bruce Banks
is scheduled to be raised on
April 8, 2000
at Kind David in April |
Wanna go Traveling???
On Thursday April
20, 2000
Michael Cornicello &
Pridemore will be
traveling to Delaware to watch a friend of theirs enter into
the craft in his EA degree. It is being held at the
623 South Heald Street, Wilmington, Delaware
It will be a late night, so be prepared |
Hall Masonry |
"There are some schools of thought
that Prince Hall (his name not a title) was born in Barbados
to a free black woman and a Scottish father. He emigrated to
the Colony of Boston, Mass. and acquired real estate, making
him eligible to vote. It was also documented that he was a devout
Christian and a leather-worker by trade. On March 6, 1775, during
the American War of Independence, Prince Hall along with fourteen
men of color were made Masons in Army Lodge #441 of the Irish
Constitution. |
What Freemasons believe in |
Join Our Mailing
List |
All Freemasons believe in a God and in respect for each other.
Regardless of rumor, Freemasonry is not a religion. Each freemason
is encouraged to maintain and advance in the religion of there
choosing. As a matter of fact, religious and political discussions
are strictly forbidden in the lodge. |
I would like to start a mail list in the near future but i need
to get some email addresses to begin. |
is a Mason |
I think my grandfather was one, but I'm not sure what it
means." "Yeah, my dad and uncle both used to go to
Masonic meetings. I remember Uncle Fred coming by to pick him
up. But I don't know where they went or what they did." |
Qualifications |
Freemasonry is proud of it's philosophy and practice of
"making good men better." Only individuals
believed to be of the finest character are favorably considered
for membership. Every applicant must advocate his belief in the
existence of a Supreme Being (Athiests are not accepted in the
Fraternity). |
The First Genaration Freemason - a
message from the webmaster...... |
Coming in from the dark...
I have found my closest of friends, my mentors, my role models
and my teachers & most importantly I have found my home.
It is incredible to see what kind of people are Freemasons. I
have met Fortune 100 executives, High School Principals, Law
Enforcement Officers, Shop Owners, Cab Drivers, Mechanics, Lawyers,
Doctors, Real Estate Agents, Cooks, Professors, Trash Collectors
and yes even Trophy Shop Owners!!!!!!
what I treasure most is what it has done for me at home.
Since I bacame a Mason, My family life has improved 100 fold,
& my wife is my best friend........
Aaron Lodge #9, Princeton, New Jersey
Making Good Men Better!!!
Brother Michael C. Cornicello |
I welcome letters to this web site about your masonic experiences.
it is nice to share these stories and remind us what we are here
to do, and that helping one another is not only a promise we
made but a pleasure to do.
This The
International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters Web Ring site owned
by Michael Cornicello.
copyright 2000, all rights reserved.
Page designed by Michael Cornicello, Aaron Lodge #9 |